Monday, May 1, 2017

Mother of Light

You are afraid, but you don't even know it.
So it becomes anger on a hairpin trigger
And rage that blinds and corrupts.
The judgment you fear rises up within
And turns, like a snake, upon yourself.
It hides your true self with a veil of shame.

You are afraid of being found out, discovered.
Of the world seeing your ugliness.
You hide your bad habits, your mess, your pain,
You send it outwards, because you don't have peace within.
You need to find that peace-- for your child, for the World, for yourself.
That means facing up to the dirty, ugly room in the attic.

Embrace the mess. Embrace the darkness.
Embrace the musky, mouldy, stale smell.
They are part of you and your very nature.
It all makes you human, and your humanity is beautiful.
You are beautiful in all your gory, smelly, messy self.

So come home to yourself, my Love, come home.
You are a creature of the Universe.
You are the Mother of Light.

Your job is to shine that light upon the world.
It's okay to start small, just opening the shutters a crack,
A minute each day,
And then coming back within to nurse the flame again.
Find a space, every day, to just be
And the flame will grow and become tenacious in its insistence
On breaking through and out
Until you are blazing with your true glory.

You are a Mother of Light.
That is your gift and your burden.
But it is only a burden if you suppress it with shame
And guilt, and blame.
If you relinquish control, and shake the constraints
Of rules and expectations
To embrace your gift,
Nurture it,
And you will blaze bright.

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